Wednesday, December 2, 2009

NBA MVP? if you disagree explain reasonably...?

Kobe, Lebron, Nash, Dirk don't deserve MVP this year don't get me wrong I'm not hating on them

Kobe sure he's arguably the best player in the league and the lakers have improved, but wasn't Bynums improvement one of the Main reasons LA wins so much and the fact that Gasol comes in

James sure he's averaging more points, assists, rebounds than kobe and proves his clutch but he's in the east where everybody believes that it's weak and that's why his stats are high

Nash, the MVP makes his entire team better but we see that Shaq is not improving on Steve's playmaking and his team has yet to improve

Dirk however we have seen him choke on occasions allowing Josh Howard %26amp; Kidd to show their greatness

Chris Paul should be MVP, IMO because Tyson is not a good scorer, Peja is inconsistent and David West is being run by Chris Paul's playmaking take Paul away and replace him I assure you NOH might not even be in the playoffs

do not reply with petty comments if you disagree explain reasonably

NBA MVP? if you disagree explain reasonably...?nba 08

I haven't heard anyone mention that Nash or Dirk should be MVP candidates this season. However, to say that Kobe and LeBron shouldn't be in the running is ludicrous. LeBron is carrying his team...AGAIN. Kobe has led the Lakers to being one of the top teams in the West. True, getting Gasol has helped but the Lakers were near the top before that trade. True, Bynum has played better but can't that be partially attributed to Kobe calling him out?

If the season were to end today and Chris Paul were to win MVP I'd have no problem with it because I think he's right there in the running along with Kobe, LeBron and KG.

NBA MVP? if you disagree explain reasonably...?nba finals ,nba teams

Ok. um Chris Paul is good, but he needs to understand and you do too is that Kobe Bryant has played 11 years in this league, you cant just give MVP to some other guy with less then 5 years of experience the MVP.

Simple fact, Kobe led his in 2002-2003 wth 30 PPG 6reb 2.2 stls, and a record of 56-26 .....and he got 3rd in MVP voting.
Kobe has the best smile.

Lebron walks like a penguin and has big lips/nose.

Chris Paul is small.

Dirk looks like a dick.

Piolo is the MVP hands down. I want to be complete.
this might seem biased given that I'm a Laker fan, but I really think it's kobe who deserves to win. his game has really transformed for the benefit of the team as a whole. his defense is all-defensive-team worthy and he isn't scoring as much anymore and lakers are top in the west. you can argue that gasol and bynum are really good now, but from what i see in their games, it's kobe that makes these players better coz he attracts so much of the other team's D. and you know for sure he can score 50 if he needed to. i think it's about time that the player most people think is the best in the game, gets the award that he deserves.

and he has a broken finger.
I think its pretty amazing u think that kobe bryant and lebron james dont desearve MVP there are 1 and 2 in teh leagure for scoring both in the top 10 for assists, not personally i think kobe bryant is going to get it because he can play defense and aslo has a very good jump shot unlike lebron. I think kobe is going to take it this year over lebron but i do agree with you that nash and dirk dont desarve it i havnt seen nothing of them, and chris paul will have a good run for MVP but kobe will take it
Kobe is the best player in the league on the best team - this should be easy. If James wins all it means is that they changed the rules - if James wins MVP it means Kobe should have won the award the past 4 years.
i think lbj is the true mvp in this season not kobe...why...lbj carries his team alone........while kobe have pau and odom to help him.....and consider bynum........
top three in order:

1. LeBron James

2.Chris Paul

3. Kobe Bryant

lebron is just playin in beast mode right now.. triple double threat every night. he shooting better than kobe more rebs and assist and blocks the kb24. i think kobe has been playin the same the last 4 yrs its jus that now wit pau its making him look better.

Chris Paul is just unbelievable.. 20 and 10 and 3 steals... WOW.. best PG in the league.

take these three players off their team and who would have the best team:lakers, hornets, cavs..

lebron jus carries that whole team.. he deserves the MVP
You may disagree with the MVPs we have had and the MVPs to come. The NBA knows what they're doing, they pick these people based on ratings really. That's the way I look at it, The mavs made a big hype last year, winning 67 games and had an amazing season, made the ratings go way up, so they thought Dirk deserved it, and I believe he did. Have you seen any of the games lately? did you see that 3 he made half court beating the buzzer, did you how he shot that 3 to force the game into overtime with LA Lakers, there was only 6.1 seconds left. That's a great player and great clutch shooter. Not everyone is going to perform their best all the time, every player in the NBA will have an off night.

Chris Paul should never be MVP. He's a great player but I think there's others that deserve it alot more.

Nash is the best pointguard in the league, I mean come on, Kidd is known to be the best for the past decade or so but he never won MVP, so that tells u Nash deserved it.

I would hate to see James win it, he's great but doesn't deserve it, huge ball hog, doesn't make his team better.

Kobe helped improve his team alot, yea Gasol and Bynum helped too but that's what they call, good chemistry and team work. Kobe has been the best in the league forever, it;s about time someone recognizes it. He's playing with a torn tissue on his pinky and still averging about 30 points a game, he's great and he deserves it.
kobe will win the MVP this season..period!

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