Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Will the Bulls win the championship and Kirk Hinrich win NBA Finals MVP?

If they do win the championship, I think Ben Gordon, Kirk Hinrich, or Ben Wallace win NBA Finals MVP.

Maybe Andres Nocioni might.

Will the Bulls win the championship and Kirk Hinrich win NBA Finals MVP?nba finals

Not this year but they are definitely solidifying their spot as championship contenders and will soon be in every talk about the NBA championship. Give them a couple years and then they will be in the mix once all the young guys get more NBA experience.

Will the Bulls win the championship and Kirk Hinrich win NBA Finals MVP?college football ,nba teams

No, they will not. You do not even hear the Bull players mentioning it; the higher I heard is the conference finals. They are experience and a scoring-inside threat (a center) away from the finals though.
They will not win the NBA championship.

They don't have a post presence to open up perimeter shooting. Instead, their strategy is to screen and shoot, slash and shoot and hope for fast breaks. Notice the key work id perimeter shooting. They're banking on the fact that they have several above average perimeter players and hope that one gets really hot consistently. If not, Ben Gordon is there to clean up. But if he can't clean up then they're usually in trouble.

The other key is the Bulls defense. They have to keep play off caliber teams under 100 points minimum. I don't think they'll be able to do this under a Detroit or in the Finals: Dallas, San Antonio or a Phoenix team.

Post play is the achilles' heel for this team and will keep them from reaching the Finals. Another weakness might be depth at the 5 spot. It is actually easy to get Ben Wallace into foul trouble and if you do, the paint gets fairly wide open. PJ Brown is not as strong and quick as he used to be.
hahahaha...i didn't have laugh like that long time... NO WAAAAYYY...
Is this a trick question? You are jumping way ahead of yourself they are not even going to beat the heat the defending champs. They win one game in a best of seven all of a sudden everyone is yelling championship. You saw what happen last year to the Dallas Mavs. They went up two games and all of a sudden they were printing shirts for them being champs. C'mon now everyone thinks that shaq is too old. He is getting old but he can still hold his own. Wade still has not got into rhythm yet and tonight just might be the time he decides to turn it on. So stop yelling that they are going to the Finals when they have not even got pass the Heat which I know they are not.
no nj nets will with vince carter winning mvp

suck on that
NO WAY!Even if they get past the 1st and 2nd round they will definately lose to the Pistons in the 3rd round.
Boy that would be a dream come true for me, even though I'm not a huge fan of the Bulls, I am a huge fan of Hinrich. The most unselfish player in the east along with Kidd. Hinrich can defend anyone you throw at him, can hit the threes and is almost automatic at the charity stripe, and is an extremely unselfish pass first guard. Bottom line is I would love it to happen but let's wait untill we get to the conference finals or NBA Finals to make big predictions.
Nop Sorry, if any team is going to win the Finals it's the Dallas Mavericks or Detroit Pistons "And that's the bottom line... cuz Stone Cold said so''
I understand that you are a chicago fan and you wish they would win, but come on wake up they are NOT going to win this year or next year maybe in 2 years.
I'm a bulls fan but i don't think we don't quite have enough yet to win a championship. We might tho, if we play top notch defense and move the ball well. It just pains me when Ben Gordon tries to outdribble and get into the paint for a layup. That's how we lost to Cleveland...........

But unless Hinrich average about 20 pts and 10 assist a game and shut down opposing guards my MVP vote would go to Luol Deng. Deng is truly indespensable to this team b/c he is our most consistent scorer and pretty much our only option to scoring in the paint.
Not a chance. The Suns will win the championship and Nash will win Finals MVP.
sure will
They are not going that far. I would give it like two more years and then bring this question back up..they are just not ready yet but in time they will be one of the best
I think the Bulls can really pull it off if they play their style of game and if they play smart. As far as Kirk winning the honors.... doubt it!! My guess would be either Deng or Gordon.
ha! ha! ha! what?? the bulls? no chance, sunshine!! try the suns, dallas, or the spurs, fool! no one in east has a shot!!!!
don't think too far ahead they have pistons second round!
Hey your thinking like ME!! But lets change the names. How about championship caliber teams? Say the Suns, Mavs, Pistons, Spurs? Sorry but the bulls are not ready yet.
No, to both questions.
No, the Bulls will most likely go down to Detroit in 6. When was the last time any Kansas alumni did anything in the NBA Finals, Deng and Wallace are the true anchors for the Bulls, although they are talented, talent alone wont teach you how to win a good coach and experience usually does that for a team. More experience also leads to team cohesion which is vital for a Championship team.

Racism and the NBA MVP?

I think that Kobe Bryant is a great player, and will eventually win an MVP. That being said, however, do you think that some sort of reverse racism plays a factor in alot of people's pushing for Kobe to get the MVP over Nash or Dirk....Two white guys in a predominately black sport? I realize that there are a lot of factors involved in choosing an MVP. I was just curious to see if you thought that this may be one of them.

Racism and the NBA MVP?nba mvp

NO I do not belive to be one of them. I think that Nash %26amp; Dirk are simply better players and each one deserves the MVP award more than Kobe.

Now before you get mad... I agree with most people and will say that Kobe is an amazing athelete. In his years in the NBA he has shown to be a great athletic ability. With that being said... I believe it takes more than athletic ability to earn MVP. You need to be a team player and Kobe lacks that quality. He takes over the game and yes he scores and scores but when he loses his Hot streak he becomes useless to the team. Sometimes he just loses it gets cold %26amp; then he is just out there shooting and missing instead of getting assists. Before he can be awarded MVP he needs to work on being a team player.

NASH %26amp; DIRK ARE TEAM PLAYERS. They are simply the best at what they do. %26amp; to the guy up there who said Bird was the last white guy to win it... hello Nash won it the last two years in a row... %26amp; it was because he deserved it.

Racism and the NBA MVP?nba trades ,nba teams

racism has nothing to do with it. nash and dirk had spectacular seasons leading their teams to the 2 best records in the nba this season. while kobe is a hell of an player and canscore any type of way but he doesnt have the players around him to translate that into wins.
I don't think that Nash deserved MVP the last 2 years and I don't think that he deserves it this year but I don't think race had anything to do with it!
The last 2 seasons have been racist! Nash doesn't or never deserved a mvp award. I've seen people win mvp awards without having the best team. In 88 MJ won mvp and his team wasn't in the top 5.

p.s. It shouldn't be about the best team because that's what championships are for. It should be about who's playing the best basketball on a individual basis. Because mvp is a individual award %26amp; not a team award.
I don't think racism is the case. Kobe is way more popular to the fact that he is very entertaining considering the feat he has achieved.
i don't think racism has anything to do with it, i think the talent takes part
One factor of MVP is making your teammates better. Kobe doesn't come close to that. Also, word is people don't like to play with him either.
HECK NO! Are you kidding? Those "white guys" are better than Kobe.
racism has nothing to do with it the league is run by a bunch of white guys even though the blacks are the stars power is in the front office not on the court
The issue of racism wouldn't even be raised if a black player was awarded the prestigious honor.
It's widely known that Kobe is the best player in the NBA right now but the MVP unfortunately does not mean the best player. They select MVP as the best player on a good team. Kobe's team is not really good enough to qualify. Steve Nash is the most important player on the Suns. Dirk is the most important player on the Mavs. Larry Bird was the last white dude to win the MVP so it's been a while. I don't see race as a factor. I think the bigger issue is that MVP is meaningless.

2005-06 - Steve Nash, Phoenix

2004-05 - Steve Nash, Phoenix

2003-04 - Kevin Garnett, Minnesota

2002-03 - Tim Duncan, San Antonio

2001-02 - Tim Duncan, San Antonio

2000-01 - Allen Iverson, Philadelphia

1999-00 - Shaquille O'Neal, Los Angeles Lakers

1998-99 - Karl Malone, Utah

1997-98 - Michael Jordan, Chicago

1996-97 - Karl Malone, Utah

1995-96 - Michael Jordan, Chicago

1994-95 - David Robinson, San Antonio

1993-94 - Hakeem Olajuwon, Houston

1992-93 - Charles Barkley, Phoenix

1991-92 - Michael Jordan, Chicago

1990-91 - Michael Jordan, Chicago

1989-90 - Magic Johnson, Los Angeles Lakers

1988-89 - Magic Johnson, Los Angeles Lakers

1987-88 - Michael Jordan, Chicago

1986-87 - Magic Johnson, Los Angeles Lakers

1985-86 - Larry Bird, Boston

1984-85 - Larry Bird, Boston

1983-84 - Larry Bird, Boston

1982-83 - Moses Malone, Philadelphia

1981-82 - Moses Malone, Houston

1980-81 - Julius Erving, Philadelphia

1979-80 - Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Los Ange
hasn't a black player been the mvp for the larger part of the last 20 years and no one ever said it was racism? All those years those players deserved it. I think the NBA does a good job of naming the MVP, but it usually is going to go to one of the better teams. The last white guy to get MVP honors in playoffs or regular season before Nash was Larry Bird in the mid 80's. so umm yeah... not racism at all.
no your wrong. Kobe don't get it cuz he's always outbeat when his team does good.

Dirk and Nash have a good team. Kobe's team bareley made it in
probably, but I think dirk is still a good player.
There is NO rasism in the NBA MVP Voting. Here are some numbers to back it up. So what if Steve Nash has won the past 2 and Dirk is probably going to get it this year. Before Nash won his first there where 17 STRAIGHT African-American MVP's.

2005-06 Steve Nash

2004-05 Steve Nash

2003-04 Kevin Garnett

2002-03 Tim Duncan

2001-02 Tim Duncan

2000-01 Allen Iverson

1999-00 Shaquille O'neal

1998-99 Karl Malone

1997-98 Michael Jordan

1996-97 Karl Malone

1995-96 Michael Jordan

1994-95 David Robinson

1993-94 Hakeem Olajuwon

1992-93 Charles Barkley

1991-92 Michael Jordan

1990-91 Michael Jordan

1989-90 Magic Johnson

1988-89 Magic Johnson

1987-88 Michael Jordan

1986-87 Magic Johnson

To the guy that said something about Larry Bird and MVP's... here ya go:

1985-86 Larry Bird

1984-85 Larry Bird

1983-84 Larry Bird

You didn't recall if he won an MVP? If you thought you knew basketball you better check yourself because he is one of the only 3 players ever to win it 3 times in a row (Chamberlain and Russell both also won 3 in a row).
If you really think about it , Dirk an Nash have all-star teams. Kobe i know deserves it more than others, beginning of the season he didn't have the scoring title but when no one steps up they are not going to win. Nash is a good player but i don't think he should win it, i will give you a million reasons why. They are all true to. Kobe deserves it hands down he is the one who got them to the playoffs and more. When no one else scores he has to score if he doesn't they will lose everygame, people are haters just because he scores alot, they don't know they will never now, its not a one man team if it was then he would just be on the court, i dare people to challenge me on this, he is the best player in the nba today, hands down no question he should win the mvp if he doesn't something is really wrong.
i don't think so. I think Kobe quite honestly deserves MVP more than Nash and Nowitzki. If you compare their teams, then Kobe is on the worse team and he still made the playoffs. I really hope he wins MVP.
Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are coming to get you now. You better lock your door.
no ddude there is no racism in the choosing of the mvp. mvp stands for most valuable player. the real arguement im tryin to settle is does the mvp signalize whoe filled up that stat sheet the best or who was most important to his team. neither of which kobe has done. kobe scoring is the only thing over 6. he definately doesn make his team better with the number of shots he takes and the few dishes he makes. for such a great player that ppl make him out to be, hes more lik a larry bird. shoot first and dont do anything else. jus keep shooting till u win a championship. i really dont think larry won an mvp check me on that. but kobe dont deserve it lik nash and dirk do.

NBA MVP for 06-07 Season.?

Who Do You Think Should Be MVP? I Think LeBron James

NBA MVP for 06-07 Season.?nba score

Dirk Nowitzki, best player on the best team. He is out for blood this year, and will stop at nothing to get that ring.

NBA MVP for 06-07 Season.?jerseys ,nba teams

I think D-Wade. After his injury, the HEAT have been unstoppable because of his GREAT play!
anyone but Dirk.... he's a Nazi from Germany.....

i wish Lebron would get it..... GO CAVS!
My favorite basketball player is Steve Nash. and i think he should get it just look at his stats... but in the other hand there is dirk he is one of the best players in the Best team so maybe he shoudl get it. I would personally love that Steve Nash would get MVP for the 3rd time.=]
DIRK DIRK DIRK...nash is outplayed...if he gets a 3rd..i will stop caring for the nba...
Dwight Howard
KOBE BRYANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
as much as he deserves it, nash wont get a 3rd mvp, and kobe is too inconsistant to get it. if youre going for the true, most valuable player (rather than best player, which it has been going to in all sports lately, big difference) it has to go to kobe. if its best player, then logically its the best player on the best team, which gives it to dirk.
personally i would have loved to make the argument for dwayne wade but his injury was jus a big road block in his season. now based only on statistics it should be steve nash. shooting over 90% from the free throw line, leading the league in assists, and scoring close to 20 points a game. he has truly proved himself as a lethal weopon. based on leadership and a remarkable season dirk nowitzki. shooting the best numbers in his life and jus leading his team to first spot not jus in the western conference but in the nba overall it should be awarded to him.
i would want kobe bryant but there has never been a mvp with a team his team only 41-40 record so dirk i think will win it because how he has been playing and how his teamates follow
LeBron is good but look @ Nash's stats.18.8 ppg,11.5 apg,and 3.3 rpg,wich is great for a PG.So Nash.

NBA MVP votes - who decides?

Exactly who decides who becomes MVP, is is the fans ?

NBA MVP votes - who decides?nba live

It's determined by a hand-picked panel of sportswriters.

The fans do NOT have input, except by way of public opinion and any influence that may have on an individual writer or broadcaster.

Here's a link that explains it well...

NBA MVP votes - who decides?tv on pc ,nba teams

The fans don't decides who become MVP just like the fans has no say on who should be elected into any Hall Of Fame...

Usually its the coaches and sportswriter..

For the The NBA MVP its the sport writers not just any..most of whom has played the game or coach it.
Choose her as a best, even I didn't know about that. You deserve ten ( Terri Yak )

NBA MVP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!...

who do you guys think the best nba player is right now?

NBA MVP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!! history

The best player in the NBA will not be given the MVP thanks to stupid media

Kobe is the best player in the game but he'll never win the MVP because of all the hate for him out there in the media

NBA MVP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!! trade ,nba teams

i most def agree with PJ that the best player is kobe and he wont get it because this whole think about him and the trade claus.
well its hard to determine right now that the season just started for right now im goin with lebron james. Now i say Lebron because he is defiently overdue but he is showing so far this year or at least 2 games THAT IS IS mvp LIKE. Kobe in my opinion is overated thats just my look
Kobe Bryant is the MVP and has been for years. Everybodys just so blind to the fact that hes the best after KING JORDAN. I think everybody puts his personal matters in account for his image as a player, and even as a fan of Kobe I have to question some of his actions. As for on the court nobody compares. He plays both ends of the court with dominance. He'll embarrass the biggest of big men and tell them to GET OUTTA HERE!!! With Authority!! KOBEZ#1 WITHOUT A DOUBT!!!
Well, Kobe should have won it last year, but the fact that the Lakers as a team were in the 7th seed last season, it was rightfully given to Dirk.

This year, though, with all the support he's getting from EVERYONE on the Lakers' roster, they'll be at least in the 4th seed. Kobe's year for sure.

If not Kobe this year, then most definitely Garnett or Duncan.
kevin garnett
Lebron James. He is so freakin overdue.
Lebron James no doubt about it.
So far... Kevin Garnett. He is pretty much anchoring the only undefeated team. But of course he has help, but the offense goes through him first
Tim Duncan no doubt
How can you say Kobe Bryant is the best in the league? Let Duncan Nash or Dirk take the amount of shots Kobe does and they will prob avg 40 pts a game. Kobe is a shoot first pass errr take that back shoot 2nd and 3rd then pass. KG will get the MVP this season as long as the Celtics continue this tear their on.
kevin martin.. look at his points men...
Steve Nash
Kevin Garnet

No Question!
Carmello is lookin good. Also Steve Nash is pretty good too. Im not sure.
Some contenders are Steve Nash, Paul Pierce, Ray Allen, Kevin Garnett, Tim Duncan (Though I don't like to admit it), list goes on and on (Nash is my choice but that is 'cause I am a Suns fan)

Kobe Bryant is a contender but his off the court actions and on the court actions sometimes take away from him. He has show-off days when he scores and scores and scores... Anyways, MVP means Most Valuable Player and Kobe Bryant is not the most valuable (he is up there with salary though ;-))because a valuable player doesn't diss his teammates whether he likes them or not. Makes his teammates look good as well as himself. Can help his team overcome hard situations if needed. ETC.
i dunno, but go warriors!!!!!!


How come Lebron james is getting mvp consideratins.Why not Allen Iverson. The nuggets have a better record.


i just asked myself the same question, why is that bum being considered when there's so many other people deserving of the attention

NBA MVP CONSIDERATIOns?ncaa ,nba teams

its going to be Al Thorton cuz Clippers r #1
I vote-

Carmelo Anthony

Allen Iverson

Marcus Camby

Kenyon Martin

JR Smith

GO NUGGS! coolest mascot in all sports!!
because he is a crowd favorite.
They're good but the real MVP is Kobe Bryant
because he hekps the team more and isnt a ball hog
AI is nasty and deserves MVP!
Iverson has Melo, Camby, JR Smith and Martin backing him James doesnt have much and he can single handenly beat any team.
LeBron James is the King of the NBA. Allen Iversons days are passed, but the MVP should go to Chris Paul. He is unstoppable, next John Stockton (except black) and he single handedly brought back the New Orleans Hornets Franchise where it diserves to be.
well if u really seee that the nba has great players but they dont step up the one who really step up are kobe #1 , lebron #2 , and chris pual number #3 but the best one of my choice is kobe bryant they will get thier player's back and blow offf the stage in tha playofffs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
they are both great players but this years mvp is KB24
Because LeBron IS his team. Without him, they win twenty games tops. Allen Iverson has another legitimate allstar on his team who can shoulder the load if he has an off night. LeBron has no such player. LeBron has to perform at an godlike level every night to pull out the win. AI's already won MVP anyway, and his stats aren't as good as LeBron's. questions asked.
Because Lebron is the NBA's Golden Child. he will more then likely end up 3rd in MVP voting because of hype.

NBA MVP 2007: what do you think?

Who do you think should be the MVP this season and why? I think that Dirk should not win because he is just not the most valuable player in the league not even in his team.

NBA MVP 2007: what do you think?nba records



NBA MVP 2007: what do you think?nba championships ,nba teams

Mike Stimatze.

Best damn ball player in the game today.
Everyone on here can be so ignorant. Yes the mvp voting ended before the playoffs began duh its for the regular season that still doesnt mean crap. he crumbled during the last 1/4 of the season anyways. he blew it for himself. even if dirk won in votes b4 playoffs started doesnt mean hes going to get it. theyre not going to present him the trophy in germany okay fellas. thyings are very easily switched around. david stern is not going to be an idiot and present it to dirk. it would hurt the game of basketball. nash wins
Every ounce of me wants to say Dirk for MVP but after our little meltdown I would just as muck like Nash to take it again. He really glues the Suns together, you can tell when he's not playing.
You all are smoking crack.

Kobe is the best and most valuable.

I think that the Detroit Pistons will be the 2007 NBA Champions; and Chauncey Billups will be the MVP of the NBA Finals!!!!!!!!
I'd go with Nash!
Im all for Lebron James, but Nash has been doing his thing..
It'll probably be Dirk because voting was over by the time playoffs was over. But after seeing the playoffs, guess it should rightfully be Duncan or Nash
Irrespective of what has transpired in the playoffs, this award relates to the regular season only so playoff performances shouldn't be held up in favor or against anybody.

I think it still comes down to the Nash, Nowitski, Bryant debate. See my question I asked on this before the playoffs started. There is good discussion on this there. The answerer I picked as best persuaded me that it should be Nash.;...

What a pansy he is. And the other candidate - Steve Nash? Didn't he just bust his nose open, and try about 15 times to re-enter the game, but kept having to leave because the bleeding just would not stop?

Hmmmmm..... who sounds more like an MVP?
whom to your question about NBA and MVP

well i dont no because a lot of people talk bout and all i could say is that NBA is basketball and MVP is the best player or something like that

kobe kobe kobe
Steve Nash should win the MVP,again :)

Dirk disappeared in the playoffs,I like the guy I picked them going to the finals again this year.But he shrank in the playoffs,gimme a break the Warriors.

Nash,hands down MVP
For the 5000th freakin time this question has been asked...MVP voting is based on regular season perfromance, so the abvious choice is Dirk.
kobe this year %26amp; last year. 50 plus points n 10 games. most feared player today, versatile, plays offense %26amp; defense. 81 points. do i need 2 go on. he just hav a sorry team around him but they still makes it 2 the playoffs. please don't giv it 2 Dirk. he's a one dimensional player. a 7 ft jump shooter. who makes European players their #1 option. Josh Howard is the best all around player on the Mavs. and not Nash again. he's good but not MVP good. they would make the playoffs with out him. the Mavs did it with out him. Nash just hav a lot of talent around him 2 make him look better than he actually is. I would put him n the same catorgory as Billups. and does anybody remember that game against the Nets last year when Kidd shut Nash down with 0 points. what player scores 0 points %26amp; still win the MVP award. give me a break.
MVP this season front-runners.

Steve Nash

Kobe Bryant

Tim Duncan

Dirk Nowinski

You're statement about Dirk with regards to the league could be argued, however you are clearly wrong with regards to his team. He is clearly the best player on the Mavericks team. You can't base your arguments on one round of the playoffs (7 games). In fact the MVP has nothing to do with the playoffs, it's the MVP of the regular season. And get this the Mavericks had the best record in the league, usually the top team or at least in the top echileon will have the MVP. (very few exceptions and one of the things stopping Kobe from getting it)
steve nash! no questions asked. he's a definite team player and puts up numbers. the boy can ball!
cant be Dirk. He played in the playoffs and his team did not win. How valuable is that? Would have to be STEVE NASH.
Steve Nash! (Canadian Eh!)
I think that Steve Nash deserves the award more then n e 1 in the nba, but the voters r retards and say nash got it the last 2 years and dirk had a bettr year, even though when dirk got hurt, his team stil won, when nash got hurt, the suns cant win, so the MVP award should go 2 nash cause he is the Most Valuable Player in the nba, no questions asked, not the most talented, but the Most Valuable Player.
well jean-mar! i agree with you! dirk could not even get his team to second round!! and he played poorly!! now steve nash is another story! steve nash gets third MVP!! HE DESERVES IT, PLAYER!
Steve Nash is and should be the MVP. Koby is without doubt the best 'player' in the league; but, if you switched the two the Suns are out in the first round (if they even made the playoffs. With Nash at the wheel for the Lakers, just imagine how good the other players around him would be. Odom, Walton, and Brown would have monster years. There is no question that he makes the people around him better. The Suns record without Nash vs with him? No question there. Dirk's Mavericks had a time trying to win without him, but they can win without him(look at the record with and without.) Plus Nash's averages are up from last year. How can someone have a better year than they had the previous MVP year, and NOT win the award. There is no doubt that Dirk had a great year also, so I can see how he might win it. (no argument. he deserved it too) But Steve Nash is a better all around player and more valuable to his team then anyone out there because of the fact that he makes them better than they are. (by the way. Who was Boris Diaw before he got to the Suns?)
I think Lebron James should win MVP for bringing his team to another level this year.
the candian white guy nash
I will go with Marion.
Lebron. He has led a team that, without him, would be medicore at best.
This is a no brainier, it Steve Nash. He can score any time he wants, pass any time he wants. He is a machine that nobody can match.

NBA mvp 2007-08?

who is gonna present the best play in the next season??

kobe bryant, dwyane wade, lebron james, tim duncan, dirk nowitzki, steve nash, and/or many others.

whos gonna be it??

(not the finals mvp, the regular season/before playoffs MVP)

NBA mvp 2007-08?nba all star game

WAY too early to ask this. Check back around the allstar (and Bryant too) game.

NBA mvp 2007-08?knicks ,nba teams

kobe should get it
its not gonna be dirk again after this years playoffs! and we dont even know what team kobe will play on. im gonna have to say king james!!!
Dirk Nowitzki. Not only will he lead Dallas to the best record in the NBA again, Dallas is going to go all the way next season. Count on it!
Hard for me to vote against Lebron, he is the most naturally talented of anyone out there. Although, Duncan continues to be great later in his career.
Definitely LEBRON

CAVS will win about 60 games and win it all next year
dirk or wade. they will both come back with a fire to win ten times more than last year.
It would defenitely be Steve Nash. All the other candidates had issues except Wade. Nowitzki couldn't carry his team past the first round. Kobe has too much drama around him lately, LeBron was horrible in the Finals, and Tim Duncan is just boring. Steve Nash will defenitly get it because some reporters are still fuming about their decesion to vote for Nowitzki as the MVP. Nash was a close second in that voting.
Think Wade will come back strong with a HUGE chip on his shoulder and carry his team.

Nba mvp is based on regular season but..........?


Nba mvp is based on regular season but..........?sports tickets

I agree. It seems to me that they should announce the regular season awards BEFORE the start of the playoffs. I think the reason they don't is so that they can change gears at the last minute after they see how the first round goes so they don't look like idiots! I agree that Dirk won't get it now. Maybe a three- peat for Nash or an underdog will get it. Sad...

Nba mvp is based on regular season but..........?concert tickets ,nba teams

So if they can announce all the other winners say coach, defense player, 6th man, and those teams dont go far in the playoffs it the same thing. Dirk was the regular season MVP, Everyone knew that Nash was it last year but his team didnt go to the finals. So..... why is it different this year? Report It

The voting has already taken place. It takes place at the season's end. This means, unfortuantely, that Dirk will still get it. Report It

i think steve nash should get it because the suns lost with out him and the mavs and the lakers can win with out dirk and kobe. Report It

Steve Nash is the real MVP
altho this questioin is not grammatically correct that is true, dirks performance was dissatisfying. the mvp will be either nash or kobe
easy on the caps... yes, he doesn't deserve it now but the voting is over... we can't do anything about it now... i do think that he got the most votes...
If he wins it...Marv Albert "now we're going via satellite to Germany where Craig Sager is there with David Stern to present Dirk Nowitzki with his NBA MVP Award"

If he wins they would present it to him before the Mavs home opener next season but it would be funny though.
its not based on just regular season. they wait after the first round of the playoffs to see if the regular season mvp get eliminated [ like dirk ]. i know this from last year when the lakers almost beat the suns. if the lakers won the series kobe wouldve won the mvp.
They VOTE before the playoffs even start so unless the league rigs it just before the award is annouced nothing will change

Should Shaq have been the NBA MVP form 2000 to 2004?


2006-07NBA42-40Lost West Conf 1st Rd

2005-06NBA45-37Lost West Conf 1st Rd



2003-04NBA56-26Lost NBA Finals

2002-03NBA50-32Lost West Conf Semis

2001-02NBA58-24Won NBA Finals

2000-01NBA56-26Won NBA Finals

1999-00NBA67-15Won NBA Finals

Should Shaq have been the NBA MVP form 2000 to 2004?nba draft picks

Shaq should have definitely won more than one MVP award. He probably should have won it in 2001 as well. He absolutely deserved it. But not for a four or five year stretch, hardly anyone in history has ever merited consideration for half a decade straight.

Should Shaq have been the NBA MVP form 2000 to 2004?nba playoffs ,nba teams

just because the lakers are garbage now. doesn't mean that he should get league MVP. it just means he should have gotten a huge contract and the L.A. Lakers MVP. Report It

I don't think so, but he could've.

Cause he lost the Finals several times but won some

championships before, so I really don't know
no bill walton your a retard
MVP is for the regular season. Votes for MVP are due to the NBA on the last day of the season. You're mixing apples and oranges between regular season results and playoff results.

BTW, you could make an argument for Shaq winning more regular season MVPs but the argument you present here falls short.
^^ weird hearing that from a guy who murdered his family...
Sorry but No.

He definitely deserved it in 2000 and he got it. But here is my take on the other years...

2001 - This was tough between Duncan and Shaq but I would've given the edge to Duncan. Iverson eventually got it and I don't think he deserved it. He is a warrior an all but he got his team to the 6th seed in the East while scoring alittle over 31 ppg! But Duncan and/or Shaq was more deserving imo. Duncan had his best FT% EVER at nearly 80%! He had his best ppg and rpg thus far as well all while carrying his team to the 2nd best record (tied w/LAL) that season.

2002 - KG deserved it, Duncan got it and Shaq would've been a third option in my opinion. KG took his team to the 4th seed of a very talented Western conference with Wally S. and Troy Hudson! It doesn't matter about losing in the 1st round b/c the MVP is about regular season impact.

2003 - also belonged to KG but Duncan got it. Brand had a monstrous year and I would've chosen any of those 3... before Shaq. KG, Cassell, Sprewell, and Wally took the T'Wolves to their best season ever. 1st in the West and KG was a BEAST that season!

2004 - KG deserved it and KG finally got it.

Now it may seem as if I'm a KG fan but I actually am not. I just call it as I saw it and he was very dominate those years. Haven't been the same since but we'll see what happens in Boston....
shaq won it in 2000, but he wasnt the league's most valuable player from then on. tim duncan was just better in 02 and 03. double double machine and got more assists than shaq. AI won it in 2001 because he was just the mvp, fought hard every game, leading the league in scoring and steals. he even lead his team to victory in game 1 against the heavily favored lakers, scoring 48. 2004, Garnett was just dominant, shaq wasnt even in the talks. shaq got one mvp, that's enough for him. i understand he's dominant, but other ppl were better.

Who do you thinks' gonna be the NBA's MVP this season?

With all the MVP-like performances around the nba today, who deserves it more?

Who do you thinks' gonna be the NBA's MVP this season?nba dunks

Kobe and the Lakers beat the New Orleans!

Kobe 29 points on 9-17 53% FG, 10 Rebounds, 8 Assists and 2 Steals!

Paul 15 points on 4-13 30% FG

Kobe = MVP!

Who do you thinks' gonna be the NBA's MVP this season?nba all star ,nba teams

yeah right elizabeth, your king james putting up numbers every game,

what's the standing of your kingdom?

and did you see thomas blocks the shot of your king?

ah huh..,

anyway, it's kOBe!
Kobe Bryant it's his year personally I'd go for Brandon Roy but that's just my biased blazer fan choice.

Chris Paul should go second though leading his team in becoming one of the best in the west.

KG should take 3rd cause he is leading his team and made the greatest turnaround for a franchise

LeBron should end 4th he's in the East yet his team usually struggles from time to time

Kobe will win now but Lebron and Cp3 might get it next year
Kobe ofcourse. there should be no more excuses, it was a 1 on 1 battle for MVP and kobe came out on top, an gave us a sensational dunk to top it off.
gotta be kobe. he's the best player in the NBA probably the last 3 yrs or so and he really deserves it with their great record and everything. Chris paul is second, cuz of course - best player on best team, and garrnet has to be next for all that he brings to the celtics and how he helped turnaround from last yrs debacle season, and make basketball important in BOston once again. Lebron 4th cuz hes always a star, but his team isnt workin out
CP3 for MVP. BEASTY!!!
cp3! making the hornets #1 in the west this year, in a season where it's been literally a war and where almost every team in the west is a contender, is not an easy task to achieve, and yet, he made it happen. he should win it!

again, for the billionth time,

cp3 is this year's MVP!!!!!!

KB24 aka Kobe Bryant for MVP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Check this out, pretty funny, they are having a convo about who should be MVP
CP3 FOR MVP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
kobe his crew look gasol=B fisher=C Odom=C+ the best three

cp3 has peja=C+ tyson=B- West= B

A tight race only these two have the chance to win it and i give kobe the thumbs up because he deserves it and he is the best in the league hands down
either kobe or lebron.
kobe man!!!!!!! i mean did you see his dunk???? and he energized his team in the 4th quarter besides he only had 1 t.o while paul had 3
Lebron james aka King james. putting up numbers every game

NBA MVP? if you disagree explain reasonably...?

Kobe, Lebron, Nash, Dirk don't deserve MVP this year don't get me wrong I'm not hating on them

Kobe sure he's arguably the best player in the league and the lakers have improved, but wasn't Bynums improvement one of the Main reasons LA wins so much and the fact that Gasol comes in

James sure he's averaging more points, assists, rebounds than kobe and proves his clutch but he's in the east where everybody believes that it's weak and that's why his stats are high

Nash, the MVP makes his entire team better but we see that Shaq is not improving on Steve's playmaking and his team has yet to improve

Dirk however we have seen him choke on occasions allowing Josh Howard %26amp; Kidd to show their greatness

Chris Paul should be MVP, IMO because Tyson is not a good scorer, Peja is inconsistent and David West is being run by Chris Paul's playmaking take Paul away and replace him I assure you NOH might not even be in the playoffs

do not reply with petty comments if you disagree explain reasonably

NBA MVP? if you disagree explain reasonably...?nba 08

I haven't heard anyone mention that Nash or Dirk should be MVP candidates this season. However, to say that Kobe and LeBron shouldn't be in the running is ludicrous. LeBron is carrying his team...AGAIN. Kobe has led the Lakers to being one of the top teams in the West. True, getting Gasol has helped but the Lakers were near the top before that trade. True, Bynum has played better but can't that be partially attributed to Kobe calling him out?

If the season were to end today and Chris Paul were to win MVP I'd have no problem with it because I think he's right there in the running along with Kobe, LeBron and KG.

NBA MVP? if you disagree explain reasonably...?nba finals ,nba teams

Ok. um Chris Paul is good, but he needs to understand and you do too is that Kobe Bryant has played 11 years in this league, you cant just give MVP to some other guy with less then 5 years of experience the MVP.

Simple fact, Kobe led his in 2002-2003 wth 30 PPG 6reb 2.2 stls, and a record of 56-26 .....and he got 3rd in MVP voting.
Kobe has the best smile.

Lebron walks like a penguin and has big lips/nose.

Chris Paul is small.

Dirk looks like a dick.

Piolo is the MVP hands down. I want to be complete.
this might seem biased given that I'm a Laker fan, but I really think it's kobe who deserves to win. his game has really transformed for the benefit of the team as a whole. his defense is all-defensive-team worthy and he isn't scoring as much anymore and lakers are top in the west. you can argue that gasol and bynum are really good now, but from what i see in their games, it's kobe that makes these players better coz he attracts so much of the other team's D. and you know for sure he can score 50 if he needed to. i think it's about time that the player most people think is the best in the game, gets the award that he deserves.

and he has a broken finger.
I think its pretty amazing u think that kobe bryant and lebron james dont desearve MVP there are 1 and 2 in teh leagure for scoring both in the top 10 for assists, not personally i think kobe bryant is going to get it because he can play defense and aslo has a very good jump shot unlike lebron. I think kobe is going to take it this year over lebron but i do agree with you that nash and dirk dont desarve it i havnt seen nothing of them, and chris paul will have a good run for MVP but kobe will take it
Kobe is the best player in the league on the best team - this should be easy. If James wins all it means is that they changed the rules - if James wins MVP it means Kobe should have won the award the past 4 years.
i think lbj is the true mvp in this season not kobe...why...lbj carries his team alone........while kobe have pau and odom to help him.....and consider bynum........
top three in order:

1. LeBron James

2.Chris Paul

3. Kobe Bryant

lebron is just playin in beast mode right now.. triple double threat every night. he shooting better than kobe more rebs and assist and blocks the kb24. i think kobe has been playin the same the last 4 yrs its jus that now wit pau its making him look better.

Chris Paul is just unbelievable.. 20 and 10 and 3 steals... WOW.. best PG in the league.

take these three players off their team and who would have the best team:lakers, hornets, cavs..

lebron jus carries that whole team.. he deserves the MVP
You may disagree with the MVPs we have had and the MVPs to come. The NBA knows what they're doing, they pick these people based on ratings really. That's the way I look at it, The mavs made a big hype last year, winning 67 games and had an amazing season, made the ratings go way up, so they thought Dirk deserved it, and I believe he did. Have you seen any of the games lately? did you see that 3 he made half court beating the buzzer, did you how he shot that 3 to force the game into overtime with LA Lakers, there was only 6.1 seconds left. That's a great player and great clutch shooter. Not everyone is going to perform their best all the time, every player in the NBA will have an off night.

Chris Paul should never be MVP. He's a great player but I think there's others that deserve it alot more.

Nash is the best pointguard in the league, I mean come on, Kidd is known to be the best for the past decade or so but he never won MVP, so that tells u Nash deserved it.

I would hate to see James win it, he's great but doesn't deserve it, huge ball hog, doesn't make his team better.

Kobe helped improve his team alot, yea Gasol and Bynum helped too but that's what they call, good chemistry and team work. Kobe has been the best in the league forever, it;s about time someone recognizes it. He's playing with a torn tissue on his pinky and still averging about 30 points a game, he's great and he deserves it.
kobe will win the MVP this season..period!

NBA MVP 2007? dirk or nash?

If the Mavs get eliminated, will Dirk still get MVP? or Would Steve Nash win it for the third straight? personally, i think dirk should win but Nash is really holding it together for the Suns..Dirk is playing like crap against Gstate

NBA MVP 2007? dirk or nash?nba 2k8

Nash really deserve it this year.

Nowitzki is just a part of a great team that is known as the Mavs. the Mavs could hold out without Nowitzki.

Steve Nash is the player that makes the team great. he use his passes to make his teamates better at Catch-and-shoot and

Alley-oops. Nash makes the stars in the Suns into superstars. so i think Nash deserves to be MVP the third time

NBA MVP 2007? dirk or nash?nba mvp ,nba teams

Nash easy. The award was decided before the playoffs started though. Dirk will get second
Pacman no he didnt, he had 23 assists and magic johnson had 24. dumass
Nash should win the MVP Dirk is surrounded by a better team than Nash and Nash plays a bigger role with his team If Nash has an off day Suns lose If Dirk has an off day they are 2-3 other players that can fill in
dirk nowitzki
Nash... MVP will lose its meaning if dirk gets it...
Nash because he does a lot more than Dirk. Dirk might be a have a crazy inside and outside game and hi might be one of the hardest player to guard. But i wstill give the MVP to Nash because of his creativity, he involves the entire team. He does so much more than Dirk, all Dirk does is shoot shoot shoot. Nash makes plays for the others and he shoots when the opportunity is given or he drives in.

Also if Dallas is out there is no doubt the MVP is Nash
well if it was decided before the playoffs then dirk will get it.
the MVP performance are based on the regular season hence it should not affect the voting for MVP
nash. dirk forgot to show up in the playoffs.
Dirk will get it... the votes were already in even before the playoffs started... the MVP award is solely based on the regular season... Eventhough Dirk and the Mavs are playing terrible in the first round, it wouldn't matter he'd still get the award.
Nash tied an assist recored 2 days ago hes defenetly MVP
Im a Mavs fan but man Dirk isn't doing much in the playoffs to deserve it, he had a good game but was taking bad shots and air-ballin. On the other hand Nash had 20+ assists and leading his team to wins unlike Dirk....give it to Nash.
steve nash of course duh he is way better than dirk
1st off the MVP is a regular season award or they'd wait til the finals were over to give it out.

I'd give it to Dirk. he was awesome this season leading his team to the best record.

Remember fans, u cant give the award to the same guy every year or MJ might have won 6 straight(and nobody wants their kids looking back thinking that nash was better than MJ or Magic or Kareem or Wilt for that matter.)

No, Steve Nash is NOT the MVP. He wins 1 year, fine, he's a beautiful player. He wins the 2nd year and the thinking is that he deserves it because Amare wasn't there and the Suns still excelled. Now fans want to give him a 3rd when Amare returns and Barbosa elevates his game.

r u guys crazy?

Hate to break it to you but any decent point guard would average 10+ assists on the Suns. By the way, has Steve Nash ever WON anything?Ever?

Listen fans, multimillion dollar contracts, shoe deals, jersey sales, video games and Sportcenter highlights have nothing to do with basketball!(Does anyone remember Penny Hardaway?)

Don't believe the hype or the media coverage.

LEARN the game.PLAY the game.RESPECT the game.
I think Dirk will still get the MVP but i think Nash still deserves it because Nash plays everything from defense, offense, and even assister. Dirk is a scorer only and he played well during the regular season but he is not leading his team like Nash is especially during the critical time in the playoffs.
Dirk rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NBA MVP for 2007?

Did they already announce who the MVP for this year is?

I really hope its Nash I love him!!!

Also if they did announce it who is it????

Please help I'm dying to know!!!!

NBA MVP for 2007?nba stats

It was Kobe Bryant!

NBA MVP for 2007?nba score ,nba teams

take it easy, it's too early to announce the MVP for this year. all they can do is make stupid predictions like KG being on top of the RACE TO MVP, he's getting lot of help. nash is doing good this year but not like the way when he won consecutive MVP award. kobe should win it this year.
It will be kobe bryant. for the 07-08 season
They didn't even announce the all-star team yet, so calm down. They will announce the winner of the MVP at the end of the season.
yeah, they've announced it some 7 months ago. it was dirk. his mavs then got bumped out of the first round by the warriors.
No they haven't, I think they announce the mvp at the end of the basketball season. I think the mvp should be Kobe byrnat....Go Lakers
Yes, they announced it, it was Dirk Nowitzki, many people disagree, but I dont, He has a good all around game. If he needs to dish it to the rim he will, plus his outside shot is very reliable. He may not be a very good defender but if you notice he'll block when his team needs it, his most amazing skill is his Offensive Awareness. Not to mention Nowitzki's clutch. Nash is a really good player, but he's aging, and he might slow down.
06-07 season's MVP was Dirk Nowitziki. and for the 07-08 season, has just started and Garnett is ahead of everybody as for now, but I think Dwight will win it eventually.
According to the guy race to mvp its garnett not kobe and steve is not even in top 10
Steve nash. He's playing great of late and he both scores and dishes. He's not a shelfish player. Nash will win it.
It should be Kevin Garnett and Celtics has a shoot at Champ!!
Either Nash, D wade(cuz hes crazy), dwight howard, kevin garnett, or Curry ( sike) or kobe bryant since hes so much of a ball hog
Not this season yet.

But I think Brandon Roy should win it :).
Brandon Roy!
For the 2006 - 2007 season it was Dirk Nowitzki

For this year they haven't announced it yet it's still too early.

Right now though I think it's Kevin Garnett
kobe bryant is an idiot. nash is decent, but right now, brandon roy should get it. leading the 13 win blazers to victory. hes got it

NBA MVP curse?

After dirk winning the mvp without winning the championship this year, for the past 17 years, only 3 players have won an mvp for the regular season and won a championship the same year, Tim Duncan, O'Neal and Michael Jordan. Does the mvp title put too much burden on a player during the regular season that they cannot perform well? Or does team performance trump individual performance in the playoffs? Or is there some unexplained reason why regular season mvps are not mvps in the post season? What do you guys think?

NBA MVP curse?nba rules

Usually the MVP of the regular season is the focal point of the opposition in the playoffs. It's tougher when you play the same team over a 7 game stretch. There's time to make adjustments and get players out of their game.

The Warriors put all their gameplanning into stopping Dirk, much like the Spurs are trying to stop Nash's ability to pass and making him a scorer.

I don't think it's the burden, I think its the attention

NBA MVP curse?nba live ,nba teams

i think that the mvp that dirk won is only for the season, not the playoffs, so i don't think that dirk should try yo get the finals mvp, its ok that his team lost, the mvp is only for the season, and the stats were 67 wins and something looses

What date do they announce the NBA's MVP?

Just trying to see when Kobe is being announced as the NBA's MVP!? lol

What date do they announce the NBA's MVP?pro basketball


What date do they announce the NBA's MVP?nba history ,nba teams


How many times has he been nominated and lost?!

CP3 for MVP!!!! Report It

Kobe doesn't suck and after the 1st rounds when Lakers finish off Nuggets!
For the last time after the first round of the playoffs.
who cares kobes gonna get it

In 1969 the Celtics won the NBA Championship but Jerry West (a Laker) won NBA Finals MVP. How is tha

I did some research on West and I discovered that he won NBA Finals MVP without winnig the championship that series. How in the WORLD did that happen?

In 1969 the Celtics won the NBA Championship but Jerry West (a Laker) won NBA Finals MVP. How is that?fan gear

Glad to see that you're broadening your horizons "jd".

Jerry West played an outstanding series, scoring 42 points, grabbing 13 boards, and dishing 12 assists in a game 7 loss, all while playing on a badly injured leg.

He almost singlehandedly brought them back from what looked like a sure Celtic blowout in the 4th quarter.

He also scored 53 points in game 1, and 41 points in game 2.

The Celtics, as usual won and lost as a team. If there was ONE PLAYER that stood out in that classic series, it was West.

Great question


I feel a Jerry West vs. MJ question coming

They were both great players in their own right. Let's just leave it at that.

In 1969 the Celtics won the NBA Championship but Jerry West (a Laker) won NBA Finals MVP. How is that?nba draft ,nba teams

Let's keep this simple. Jerry West was named Finals MVP in 1969 despite losing the series because West was the best player during that 7-game series. Even the Celtics players thought so, that Havlicek went to the Lakers locker room after the series was over to tell West, "I love you". Russell also went to the Lakers locker room and held West's hand silently.

The Lakers that year were far more superior than the Celtics, but the Celtics won NOT because of one or 2 players, but because they played as a TEAM. Sam Jones was retiring, Russell was also retiring though he didn't announce it yet. All of the Celtics were old, save for Havlicek and Don Nelson, and if you examine their roster, they had no business being in the Finals, much less win over a Lakers team that featured Wilt Chamberlain, Jerry West and Elgin Baylor, arguably the greatest at their respective positions up to that time.
Because that was the 1st year the MVP in the NBA, and they didnt know what how to do it. And he was the Most Valuable player in the finals
It's absolutely true that the media (who votes for finals MVP) did not like Russell at all.

Jerry West had an outstanding Finals that year... he scored 53 points in game 1 (won by the Lakers 120-118), and followed that up with 41 points in game 2, as the Lakers took a 2-0 lead in the series. (John Havlicek had scored 39 and 43 points in the first two games).

With the Lakers up 3 games to 2, West scored 26 of the Lakers' 90 points in a 99-90 loss to Boston in game 6 at Boston Garden. West played that game with a badly injured hamstring.

West then followed THAT up with a triple double in game 7, with 42 points, 13 rebounds and 12 assists. Although the Celtics won the game 108-106, West was named Finals MVP....

West received a car for his MVP performance. Unfortunately for him, the car was GREEN.

The media loved Jerry West even more than they hated Bill Russell. And they hated Russell a lot...

In that 7th game, John Havlicek (the Celtics' leading scorer for the series) scored 26 and pulled down 16 rebounds.

Russell himself had 21 rebounds in his final game.

The MVP of that finals could have gone to Russell or Havlicek just as easily, but not only did the media love Jerry West as much as they hated Bill Russell, there was also a lot of sympathy for West, as 1969 marked the sixth time he had lost a final to Boston, and the third time he's lost in seven games to the Celtics (1962, 1966).

West was rewarded because, statistically, he was the best player of the finals.

As far as West "standing up" to Russell in the Finals, Russell was an old 35 that year... not only was he a 48 min/game player, he was also the coach, which took a little something away from his play on the court... Russell, as a young man, played the greatest game 7 ever played, with 30 points and 40 rebounds vs. the Lakers in 1962.

Russell was 10-0 in game 7's. Jordan is not close to him as a clutch player OR as a winner.

This was a good question, jd
becuase he was teh best player in teh series teh celtics were the better team. it like having a cavs spurs final. lebron is the best player and probably will win teh mvp but the spurs will win the championship
There is nothing in sports that says that only championship teams produce MVPs. The NFL picks a MVP for the season and that guy might not even make it to the Super Bowl. It is all about individual talent and effort when it comes to MVP status. I would much rather be an MVP for the whole season than to be picked MVP because of one game performance.

Jerry West was just that good and the voters just could not get around it.
Because Jerry West almost single-handedly beat the Celtics (a proof that no man can do it all alone).

I think that they gave him that prize as a consolation because as hoopfan said he played with an injured leg and almost scored 50.

At least you're getting more broader and deliberate on subjects now... =) hehe
jerry west was ballin thats why
It's called Racism! dumb bastard!...The people who voted did'nt want Russell to win..because he was black!



...I'm Native American!..or as I like to say..Original American!....My people Know a thing or 2 about bieng hated on!......and you!..what the F@ck are you?.....nevermind!..I don't want your people to feel disgraced! dumb bastard! yahoo...this is fun!)......

PS:....everyone today came from Africa!'s already been proven!..Well except for you and robby guy's came from my would'nt know that..because your a sheep!...

well thats like saying why did Ryan Howard get baseball MVP when the Phillies didnt make the playoffs. In today's sports world you dont have to be on the best team to be the most just have to have the ability to change a game
Maybe they got bored of giving Cetic players the finals MVP, year after year. Remember, that's when the Celtics won 11 Titles in 13 years. Now we just suck.
Thats like everyone asking why Dirk was regular season MVP, and Dallas gets bumped in the 1st round this year. MVP should be changed to MVC(Most Valuable Champion)
Maybe it's because Jerry West help the Celtics to win... kind of like Kobe helped the Pistons to win. OK... it's a lie! Jerry West is way too awe inspiring even though the Lakers lost! So Jerry West won. Kobe, however, won the series for the Pistons...
Because he averaged 37.9 ppg and he had 42 points, 13 rebounds and 12 assists in game 7.

Who is going to be the 2007 nba finals mvp?

Who will win MVP of the 2007 NBA Finals?

LeBron James


Tim Duncan


Manu Ginobili


Daniel Gibson


Tony Parker


results off of

Im ganna go with the king... what about u?

Who is going to be the 2007 nba finals mvp?nba warriors

lebron...u gotta take in consideration of his det series performance...even if its "finals" mvp. lebron will scorch the spurs. noone in the league can stop him...not even bruce bowen...lebron is just too fast and too strong...and fo all u haters...lebron just showed u he DOES hav shot and clutch abilities! ALL HAIL KING LEBRON!!!

Who is going to be the 2007 nba finals mvp?nba records ,nba teams

labron james
lebron James no doubt.
That's going to depend on who wins the championship as far I'm concerned it would be TD as his team got experience, 3 rings, home court and a great team as for LBJ well see how he performs this time maybe it already time for a new era.
1st of all the NBA Finals MVP goes to the player whose team wins the NBA Finals. I still like Duncan due to the fact that he's the catalyst of that team. Your percentage is based on fans votes due to popularity of that player.

Spurs should win in 6 games. Duncan will win series MVP.
Gotta be Duncan. 3 times in the NBA Fianls in his career; 3 times he has won NBA Finals MVP.
andre iguodala.
Tim Duncan ~ Spurs are particularly tough in odd numbered years and they are also particularly good at tackling teams that are one or two dimensional (i.e. teams that don't have a well-balanced attack)
Daniel Gibson...did you guys see him last night...he was ON FIRE!!! he showed up everyone he made up for jame's off night...
Timmy D.

Bron is unlikely as I can't see the Cavs win it all, just yet.
OFF NIGHT1! bron did not have an off night .he just gave booby some excellent advice and bron playe the best defense of his life. not to mention the off night their.
Tim Duncan, hate to say it but the Cavs lose in 5.
Tim Duncan... He's been the best, most consistent player for the Spurs during the playoffs and I'm sure he will be able to be very productive against Z.
Ill say one of the foreigners. Lets hope Tim Duncan doesnt do anything Jordan related lol.
If cavs win, Lebron,

If spurs win - Duncan
If cavs win larry hughes gets it for playing with a torn heel

if spurs win its michael finley because hes the only spur i dont hate with a passion
lebron james
King James HANDS DOWN.........daniel g. was really good, but only in two games.........maybe next time B Rizzle
Hmm. Let's see if the Cavs win series no doubt it's James. I spurs win series it's Parker or duncan unless lebron has an 80,000 point game like he did against the pistons.
if Cavs win, LeBron gets it

if Spurs win, Duncan or Parker get it
For the Cavs win the series, James must have three or four great games (triple/double type games with 25+ pts). The Cavs will also need clutch shooting from the perimeter when James drives and dishes. If that happens, James will (obviously) deserve and win the MVP.

Likely, the Spurs will win in six or seven. Duncan will get his typical playoff numbers in each game as he consistantly does (with the exception of the one "lazy" game the Spurs usually have in every series).

Duncan will get more help than James and therefor put up numbers that are not as impressive as James'. Also, James is more "valuable" to his team than Duncan is to his (though neither team would be too good without their respective star). But since the MVP is always awarded to a player from the winning team, and I expect the Spurs to win, someone will be winning his fourth NBA Finals MVP this year.

2007 NBA Finals MVP: Tim Dincan

Nba MVP And who do you think derrick rose will be like in the nba?

why does everyone sya garnett should be mvp yah he is on the best team but it is most valuable player not player on the best team.

i think Mvp should be like this

chris paul

lebron james

kobe bryant

dwight howard

kevin garnett

allen iverson

steve nash

so can u give me yours

and derrick rose freshman at memphis who do you think he will be like in the pros

i think that he will be like baron davis

Nba MVP And who do you think derrick rose will be like in the nba?basketball shoes

chris paul is the coolest and dwight howard comes in second on my cool-o-meter. james, bryant, garnett, and nash get way to much attention. ai just isnt very good anymore. i think derrick rose will be a combination of jason kidd and ben gordon(great passer and above average shooter). After 4 years in the nba i predict he will be averaging 20 pts and 12 assists per game.

Nba MVP And who do you think derrick rose will be like in the nba?nba champions ,nba teams

it should be chris paul OR brandon roy, but im guessing it'll be kobe or dwight howard.



Chris Paul

Dwight Howard


Yao Ming


B. Davis

Brandon Roy

And i think Rose will be like J. Kidd with a jumpshot.
I am a Kobe fan so I will go with Chris Paul!!!!

As hard as it is to say, the NO Hornets are amazing this year, and with very little appreication from fans(lowest attendence in NBA). I would say Kobe is a close second because he led this Lakers crew to the top of West with Byunm, is he is not injuried the Lakers would have a better record and Kobe would be a lock for MVP.
I think Steve Nash should be higher than that. Derrick Rose will be awesome in the NBA.
kobe bryant hands down

NBA MVP award?

OK I'm really confused.. Is there more than one kind of MVP award given to players? Is there a finals MVP.. a regular season MVP? and how do they determine it and when... and do you have to win the playoffs to get the MVP? I'm so confused. thanks.

NBA MVP award?nba news

there are three mvps

FINALS MVP-one is finals mvp which is if your team wins the championship the player that did the best in those games gets it or in the nba people vote the

REGULAR SEASON mvp is the best player of the season they hand that award right after the first round of the playoffs.

ALLSTAR-mvp which players are selected and voted in by players and coaches to the game of the best of the best and the team that won will have players to get voted to see who the mvp is.

NBA MVP award?nba all star game ,nba teams

there are 3 mvp awards,allstar mvp,regular season mvp and finals mvp,they choose allstar mvp after the allstar game,they chooseat the finals mvp after the finals games from the winner team.and they choose regular season mvp at the end of the whole season from some great players from diferent teams.i wish i could help.
Yes there are two different MVP awards one is for the regular season and the other for the final series. Only opinion is the only criteria
There is a Finals MVP %26amp; a Regular Season MVP. The GMs determine the regular season MVP, and I'm not quite sure who decides the Finals MVP. Hmmm... idk, good question.
i dont know how they determine the mvp, i am hoping is my favorite nba player , yes you guess right . . .KOBE BRYANT
2 different mvp awards

Who is your pick for the NBA's MVP?

i say Steve Nash. he has contributed to much for his team and they have been winning games, and they have proven that even tho Dallas has the better record, Phoniex is the better team. ppl say kobe should win because of his numbers but MVP is not only for numbers its for the way you lead your team and help them win and go to the NBA Finals. you can tell kobe aint a leader because if he was he wouldnt care if did or didnt pass wilt chamberlain for consecutive 50+ point games. but kobe wanted to be in the books and only cared for himself. thats my opinion. So i say Steve Nash for MVP!

Who is your pick for the NBA's MVP?nba 07

nash does not deserve 3 mvps in a row, didnt even deserve it last year. Dirk is the MVP this year

Who is your pick for the NBA's MVP?sports tickets ,nba teams

I'm a Phoenix Suns fan and i have to agree with you 100% Steve Nash is the Best From The West. He is the last 2 years MVP and deserve to be it again for this year he is a great shooter especially from outside and can pass the ball to Amare for the dunk or Marion for the Jay. He averages 19 points a game with 12 assists per game. He is a straight up baller who deserves MVP screw Dirk he has had all the chances in The world.
Steve Nash!
i think the suns would last without Nash, and the Mavs would last without Dirk...but the Lakers wouldn't without Kobe
Can you say 3peat. Go Nash.
Amare Stoudemaire is the MVP!
Nash is the most valuable. Nowitzki should also be in the running. Yao would have been in there had he not gotten hurt, but he is not as valuable to the Rockets as Nash is the the Suns, even though he has fantastic stats.
I think it comes down to VORP: Value Over Replacement Player. In other words, which team is better: Dallas with an average player in place of Dirk Nowitzki, or Phoenix with an average player in place of Steve Nash?

On the other hand, if it inspires another Nelly Furtado song, and especially another video, I say give Nash another MVP award. I'll bet she's glad she came from Nash's home town and not Dirk's. You ever try to find a rhyme for "Nowitzki"? Or "Ginobili"?
Steve Nash has taken Nowitzki's number in every single matchup this season. Nash is simply amazing.

I don't think he deserved the first MVP but he definitely deserves it this year.
hands down nash
As much as I don't like to admit it, it should be Steve Nash. The Suns aren't even a playoff team without Steve Nash. In fact, they're 2-4 without Steve Nash this season, with one of those 4 losses to the Atlanta Hawks, at home!

They're an avg team, at the very best without Steve Nash. It really all depends on how you view the award. The Heat are also not a good team without Shaq (18-22 without Shaq this season, and 10-13 last season without Shaq). Yes, Steve Nash should get the award.
Definately Steve Nash on the basis on what he does for his team. Without him, they are horrible. I guess you can say the same about the Cavs and LeBron, but I feel it's going to be Nash yet again.
I love Steve Nash, but it is Dirk's turn this year.

# 41 all the way!

Why is the nba's MVP award judged by team success mainly? Eliminating worthy players, who give

It's not a team award...the team award is the NBA title and the team MVP is the Finals MVP, right? If team success is the primary stat, then why do they vote before a teams season can be deemed successful? If the Mavs, or Suns, or Spurs, or Heat lose in the 1st rd of the one would call their season a success?

Why is the nba's MVP award judged by team success mainly? Eliminating worthy players, who give it their all?!?nba fantasy

The NBA MVP is for the regular season and Basketball is a team sport. Success is defined by the team. Not the individual. If a player does great on a bad team... is he truly an MVP in a team sport?

You really should disregard the NBA MVP award. It means little to nothing. The players dont vote, neither do the coaches, nor anyone in the front offices. Its a media voted award by people who have never played. If the media likes you. You will get votes. If not you dont. Jordan ... the greatest player ever has 6 championships and never won the NBA MVP twice in a row. Steve Nash is going for 3 in a row and has never smelled the NBA Finals. So... the meaning of the award is minimal when you think about it. Its a regular season pat on the back. The real prize is the NBA Championship.

Why is the nba's MVP award judged by team success mainly? Eliminating worthy players, who give it their all?!?nba draft picks ,nba teams

well think about it....if a player on a losing team is REALLY that valuable, then why is the team losing?
50 points is wortless if you arent winning. WHat is the point od scoring 50 point i you dont win. Maybe it the player is part of the blame maybe he didnt share the ball enough
Because the Most Valuable Player goes to guys who are not just great players but great leaders. Being able to lead your team and make your teammates better (besides filling it up yourself) is what usually translates to success. Look at anyone who has won the award and the leadership factor applies to almost every single one of them. Magic, Bird, Jordan, Duncan, Nash, etc. They are great players who get less-talented teammates to believe in them and uplift thier own games to benefit the team. Don't you think that's more valuable than having a guy jack up 30 shots a night while his teammates stand around or set picks for him and the team is not going anywhere?
it is the most valuable player award, how valuable is a player if ur not winning since winning is the only thing that determines if u goto the play offs and advance that would mean if ur the most valuable player you would atleast have to make it to the play off, otherwise how valuable are they really if u keep losing
Every team has at least one player who "gives it their all" as you put it. The MVP is about the player that puts his team over the top. He makes his fellow teammates better and thus the team becomes a winning team. The MVP will have taken his team to the best that it can be. So far this year, there's only two players that have demonstrated that - Dirk Nowitzki and Steve Nash. No one else comes close.
To me that's the problem...we have too many people looking at guys just trying to excite and get on Sportscenter, but not making it to the playoffs or barely getting in and losing 1st round.

You must be a Laker fan...if you are...where were you when they where three peating and winning these post season awards.

I not a person who wants to reward mediocrity. You wouldn't asking this question if they Lakers were on top of the Western Conference.
Because for the worthy players who give it their all, their all isn't enough.
I don't think it is judged by overall team success. It's based on how successful a team is with and without a particular player.

This makes the case for Steve Nash. Without Nash, Phoenix had a tough time winning games. When Nash came back they went on a terror - winning 11 games in a row.

Nash isn't high scorer on the team vs Coby at the Lakers. Nash is the catalyst that makes the Suns a cohesive team.

Obviously there are other players who should be considered for MVP, but in my opinion none of them is in Nash's league.

I'm not a Steve Nash or Phoenix Suns fan. I just happen to recognize that Nash is that good. I'd much rather watch Lebron James.
Actually it does depend on the team because if the team is not doing well, but they have a star who is possibly the best player in all of basketball they can't win the award because the team actually has to be at least mediocre for him to be in the running for it. Look at the Timberwolves. They have Garnett carrying their team, but until they can get some help for him they have no chance to get anywhere in the playoffs-or even get in for that matter but he does go all out when he is playing.
Reasonable argument but the team has to have a certain amount of success in order for a player to even be considered an MVP, the only sport I know where an MVP can come from a losing team is baseball.

NBA awards: mvp, rookie, 6th man,...etc?

How does the NBA determines who get MVP, rookie of the year, 6th man, most improve player, defense player, etc? Does anyone know who decides them? does the fan vote or what?

And who are your picks for the awards?

NBA awards: mvp, rookie, 6th man,...etc?nba tv

The selction is not picked by the fans, its picked by the NBA staff and coaches.

MVP- Steve Nash

Rookie: Brandon Roy

6th man- Manu Ginobli

Defense: Bruce Bowen

Coach: Jerry Sloan

Most Improve: Kevin Martin

NBA awards: mvp, rookie, 6th man,...etc?nba dunks ,nba teams

MVP is decided by the coaches and the staff, rookie is member of the staff, most improved is decided by the staff, 6th person is also decided by the staff, most improved player is awarded and decided by david stern and mopst defensive is decide by the staff.

MVP: Kobe Bryant

Rookie: Brandon Roy

6th man: Leandro Barbosa

Most improved player: CArmelo Anthony

Most defensive: Marcus Camby or Alonso Morning or Kevin Garnett
MVP-Dirk, Kobe, Nash

6th man- Ben Gordon, Manu, Stackhouse, McDyess

most improved- Monta Ellis

rookie-Rudy Gay

Defensive Player-Dwight Howard, Josh Smith

Coach- Sam Mitchell

Its done by the coaches, gm's and sports writers
mvp - Dirk Nowitzki

rookie of the year- brandon roy

most improved- josh howard

defensive player of the year- shawn marrion

6th man- jerry stackhouse

Mavs all the way!! Dirk #1!!!!!!!!!! This is the year!
For electing the MVP, there are about 120 media writers who write mainly about the NBA or only about the NBA and are very good/famous writers. They determine most of the other awards, too.

MVP--Steve Nash. People say the MVP should go to Dirk Nowitzki, as he is the "Best player on the best team," but I think otherwise. The Suns beat the Mavs twice in a row--The double Overtime and a blowout--therefore Steve Nash is the best player on the best team.

Rookie Of the Year--Hard, but I think it IS going to Brandon Roy with all the publicity he is getting right now, and there haven't been very many good rookies this year--to the exception of him--so he should be the ROY.

6th Man--Leandro Barbosa. He is one of the most clutch players in the NBA. He has saved the Suns from losing countless times with his 3's and it's not like it's easy to replace Steve Nash.

Most Improved Player--Chris Bosh. Who was Chris Bosh last year? Well, nobody knew until this season. He lead the Raptors to their FIRST EVER division title, and they are 3rd in the East! This team was supposed to be the team that went last place--as usual--in the standings and would get the first round pick! They are about .600 right now, all because of Chris Bosh's leadership. His stats have skyrocketed, as has his team, and he is one of the most all-around players in the league right now.

Defensive Player of the Year--Marcus Camby. He leads the NBA in blocks, leads all centers in steals, is 4th in rebounds, and is just plain dominant. Over the past 3 games, he has got an average of 20 rebounds, 6 blocks, 1.8 steals, and 16 points. Tim Duncan is 5th in blocks, 8th in rebounds, and is unranked in steals, not to mention he is on a good defensive team. Marcus is by himself on a pure offense team taking care of all the defense.

Coach of the Year--Avery Johnson. You have to give him credit--he has had the leagues best win pct, has taken care of his players flawlessly, he is always aware and taking charge in games, he knows how to plan, and he is also a good mentor to Dirk and Jason Terry. If he doesn't get it, give it to Sam Mitchell--the Raptors coach. He took pieces and scraps and made one of the best teams in the east out of them.
joeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...
Mvp= Dirk - Whats the mavs record?

Roy = Andrea Bargnani - Raptors won there 1st ever

conference title this year,their win pct has improved dramacticly.

6th Man = Manu Ginobili - He has really sucked up his pride and has taken the off the bench role on the spurs

Def man = Marcus Camby - Leads league in Blocks per game,Is top 5 rebounder and has developed a mid range j

Most improved = Steve Blake-Did anyone know who this guy even was last year?Hes developed into a VERY solid 1,2 gaurd



6th man= Gordon

MOst improve= Kevin martin

Defensive= Alonzo

MVP- they look at the best player on the best team who has helped that team get them into the playoffs the most.

Rookie of the year- Rookie player with the best stats.

6th man- best player off the bench who has the best stats.

most improved player- they take the player who had bad stats in the previous year and now has exceptional stats.

defensive player- player with most defensive rebounds, steals, and blocks.

The players and coaches decide who gets the awards.

MVP- Dirk Nowitzki

ROY- Brandon Roy

6th man- Leanardo Barbosa

Most improved- I want Kevin Martin to get it but Deron Williams will get it.

Defensive player- Kevin Garnett

Coach- Jerry Sloan
i THINK they have a committee for that which they changed every year and they are the ones who votes for these awards...

my picks...

mvp - Kobe Bryant or Steve Nash

rookie of the year - brandon roy

6th man - jordan farmar

most improve player - chris bosh

defensive player - shawn marion or marcus camby
MVP- Steve Nash because the Suns won in the season series.

ROY- This year's rookies weren't impressive but it would probably go to Brandon Roy

6th man- It would've been David Lee until he got injured so Leandro Barbosa would win this one.

Most Improved- Deron Williams or Kevin Martin. David Lee could've been thrown in there before his injury.

Defensive Player- Marcus Camby definitely.
MVP - DIrk Nowitzki

ROY - Brandon Roy

Most Improved Player - Josh Howard

Defensive Player - Ben Wallace

6th man - Leandro Barbosa

Coach of the year- Sam Mitchell

I think a panel of coaches and media comprise the selection committee for the selection of the awards.

Who was the second youngest NBA Finals MVP in NBA history?

Okay, Magic as a rookie at the age of 20 years old was the youngest NBA Finals MVP, but who was the second youngest NBA player to win the NBA Finals MVP award in NBA history?

Who was the second youngest NBA Finals MVP in NBA history?basketball jerseys

Tim Duncan 23yrs 2months.

98-99yr Spurs in 5 games against the Knicks

Who was the second youngest NBA Finals MVP in NBA history?nba 08 ,nba teams

Tim duncan is in 1999 wen he was 23 he won wit david robinson
Dwyane Wade!

NBA early MVP?

Who's get your vote for the early MVP in the NBA?

NBA early MVP?nba jerseys

I am a Spurs fan, as you can see. I will not choose Tim, Tony, or Manu.

I would choose, either,

1) Dwight Howard

2) Baron Davis

3) Tmac

4) LeBron

Even know I dislike most of those players, they diserve it most. Dirk never should have won it last year, and KG will not get it this year

NBA early MVP?nba 2k8 ,nba teams

it is either dwight howard because his team is 3rd in the east or kevin garnett becuase leading the team in points and rebounds and ft%
steve nash!
i think kevin garnett because he's leading his team to the best record in the nba and he's encouraging them

dwight howard also deserves it because he is having a spectacular season grabbing the most rebounds and getting 23.3 ppg 15.1 rbg 2.6bpg and he shoot 61% from the field
Kg of course we all no celtics would stink without him. Kobe is going to be runner up
Dwight Howard. He carried his team to a winning record in this early season. He is currently one of the players averaging a double - double.
Kevin Garnett.
Kevin Garnett or Dwight Howard

Both are having a terrific season
Kobe Bryanty
I'd think Kevin Garnett would win it, mainly because of the great success the Boston Celtics have had so far. I know, they have had arguably the softest schedule so far, but still.

But for me personally, I think Dwight Howard is tops. 24 ppg, 15 rpg, 2-3 bpg, on 60% shooting, is just crazy. Plus, Orlando has been winning.

LeBron James should round out the top 3. Only reason I wouldnt put him at the top is because of the Cleveland Cavaliers' struggles this year. But 30 ppg, 7 rpg, 7 apg, and the 48% FG shooting is tremendous. He just needs to up that FT% and win some more games.
Baron Davis
Steve Nash

Who is going to be the nba's mvp(most valuable player)? Will it be steve nash , kobe bryant , o

lets see steve nash best point guard who leads his team,steve nash doesnt make himself better he makes his own team better with his incredible assists.Hes been the mvp for the last two years but he wont be mvp this year.

kobe bryant one of the greatest basketball players who ever lived,set nba scoring records and averages about 35+ points in every game,the best canidate for mvp,doesnt everyone agree kobe has earned mvp this year because he takes games over because of the lack of his team,he has proved that he can enter the playoffs and take his team to a game seven against the phoenix suns.kobe is going to be mvp.

last dirk nowitzski hes been playing great but hes no mvp last year he let wades and shaqs team win the nba and he stood standing watching the heat take the nba championchip,hes been playing good early in the year but he is slipping and we havent heard anything about dirks great performances these days.he would probably be tied with steve nash for mvp.


Who is going to be the nba's mvp(most valuable player)? Will it be steve nash , kobe bryant , or dirk nowitzknba playoff

Dude, Kobe is 37-38 as a starter. And just making the playoffs is not a big deal in the NBA. In any other sport the Lakers would not be in the playoffs this yr. The majority of teams make the playoffs in the NBA.

I don't care if Kobe scored 5 trillion points in one game, that's the only attribute that he has. All of his defensive stats have gone down since Shaq left. Also, his turnovers have gone up, and his Ast to Turnover Ratio has dropped since Shaq left. He's not making any of the players around him any better. And if you can't make the players around you better, then what do you have????????

You're giving Kobe MVP credentials for what he did 4-7 yrs ago. And by the way, the Lakers were 24-7 without Kobe from '00-'02 (the championship yrs). They were only 13-13 without Shaq during that span. When you become the focal point, it's a completely different thing. Just ask Penny Hardaway. Stats mean nothing if you can't make anyone around you better. Who has Kobe made better????????

Who is going to be the nba's mvp(most valuable player)? Will it be steve nash , kobe bryant , or dirk nowitzknba stats ,nba teams

Well i want Kobe to win outta them 3 cause steve nash i dont like and dirk nowitski i do like a lil and i wish it was allen iverson but hes not gonna be on it lol
dirk got it this year
Carmelo Anthony!! Go Nuggs!!!
Steve Nash... No doubt. w/o him the Phoenix Suns deadly offense is basically non-existant, and they don't have any D as it is... They wouldn't even make the playoffs if it wasn't for him.

I like kobe (actually I HATE the guy) but I must admit he does contribute alot 2 his team, but when you put him up against Nash, there is no comparison. Steve Nash is the obvious choice. He has led his squad to the no. 2 seed and made his teammates better along the way. This year they may be strong contenders for the championship (if they can get past the deadly 2nd Round match-up with the Spurs/Nuggets victor)

Dirk is a great player, but doesn't contribute as much to his team as the other 2 candidates. I don't mean to degrade him but his team can do well enough w/o him... they wouldn't hold the number one spot, but they would still posess a lower seed *(even in the action-packed W-Conf.)*

Harris, Terry, Stack, Howard, Dampier... There's your starters right there.
It will be between Dirk and Nash. IMHO, Dirk gets it this year. Dirk has upped his defense and is a machine on offense.

Kobe shouldn't even be in the running (if Kobe really were the MVP, the Lakers would have won more than 41 games). Oh, and what "scoring records" has he set? He does hold a few Lakers scoring records, but that's about it.
I still think its going to be Steve Nash I think the MVP of a team needs to be is someone who makes there whole team better and that person is Steve Nash the suns would be nothing without him. It should not go into account that he has been it for the past 2 years. he deserves it. Kobe should not get it because i know there is no one on his team but that's why hes getting 31+ points Nash is getting 18+ points along with 11+ assists yeah Kobe is getting 31 points but hes got nothing else to show for it. Face it Nash you could start a franchise with Kobe it is hard to because he wants to be the man but he cant he needs a shack the Lakers might not even make the playoffs and the MVP should play for a team that's a contender dont you think?
It's not that I hate Steve Nash, but I'd love to see Kobe get an MVP. The only problem is that, despite his magic, the team hasn't been lifted out of mediocrity. The MVP goes to a player on a good team, thus why Steve Nash won it twice, Kevin Garnett won it when the Timberwolves were #1 in the West, and Tim Duncan won it the year the Spurs dominated and won the Championship. Kobe would have won it hands-down last year if his team had finished in the top four in the West. Yet they finished an okay 7th, a good rank, but not good enough to satisfy the media who vote. This year, he would have won it if he and the team had continued playing the way they started.

Dirk is a good candidate, yet his numbers, scoring in particular, are slightly down from a year ago. There are quite a few things going for him however, especially considering that he's the best player on the best team, his shooting percentage and assists are up from a year ago, and he's reached the expectations that were expected for the team after last years trip to the Finals.

Steve Nash is having a career year, and if it wasn't for the Mavs, they'd be the best team in the NBA. He's putting up better numbers in points and assists especially, and he's also giving better effort on the defensive end. His leadership and attitude have helped transform the Suns into a playoff threat.

All in all, I think Dirk has a good shot at winning the MVP, primarily because he's the new guy on the block. Otherwise, it'd be Steve Nash.
Kobe will not be mvp he won't even make the playoffs with the way they're playing they're going to lose the rest of the season and no make the playoffs. While Golden State and the clippers get in. It's going to between Duncan and Nowitzki for MVP. Nash is not the best point guard in the league that belongs to Baron Davis when he is healthy he is the best in the league.
it wont be kobe not after that performance against the clippers. even though he scored 50 his team lost, thats the bottom line and they blew a 17 pt lead too. thats unacceptable. when kobe had his streak of 50 pt games he did it against bad teams and its no coincidence he won them all. whenever kobe has the ball, the lakers just stand around and watch. kobe doesnt trust his teammates anymore. and kobes MVP votes will be linked with how well his team does.

its pretty much between nash and dirk. but i think it should be nashs trophy again. he really does make his team better. when nash was out 4 straight games, the suns went 1-3 and lost 3 straight against teams like atlanta and seattle. without nash, phx is very average. in the mavs/suns games, nash always seems to shine in the OTs and dirk doesnt. without dirk i still think the mavs are formidable.
I think its close between Dirk and Nash, but I gotta go with Dirk.

Steve Nash has a career year, but I think Dirk has done a better job. Dirk is more difficult to deal with than Nash for their opponents from games I've seen. Also, Dirk to me, is the force of his team who won them games. Nash supports his players.

Kobe Bryant has done great, but hasn't gotten that "success" with his team that would make the voters pick him. The team is pretty close to .500 and gone through terrible losing streaks.
i agree
I can GUARANTEE Kobe will not win MVP. With the likes of Nash and Dirk, he doesn't stand a chance. Think of the image the league would be promoting by giving him MVP. The sport of basketball is about team play.
Dirk Nowitzki will win over Steve Nash [yes, these are the only two candidates in my mind] simply because Dallas is doing better than Phoenix, and because Nash isn't going three-peat [nothing against the guy of course, this is statistically his best year].
I think Dirk Nowitzki will get it. He led his team through a great season and had a great season himself. I just don't see Nash getting it again and Kobe is playing well but his team isn't.
it's either kobe bryant or steve nash...i don't like dirk nowitzki to be the MVP
I agree that Kobe would be one of the best candidates for the MVP this year. He is the definition of "scorer" for the NBA. Scoring-wise, he has the most complete game of anyone in the league. There is nothing you can do to stop him, including fouling him.

However, you can't look at just individual performance. Otherwise, it would just be the NBA scoring champ each year taking home the MVP. The MVP is awarded on that basis, to the player most valuable to their team.

For that reason, I say Steve Nash is still the frontrunner for MVP this year. Without him, the Suns are nothing. Sure, they have the players, but they can't connect. Remember when he went out with those few games with the injured shoulder, near about the All-Star break? They were terrible and looked out of sync. Games like that go to show that Steve Nash IS the Phoenix Suns. They have shaped an entire franchise around him; Mike D'Antoni even draws all his plays around Nash.

And all the while, Nash makes everyone else play better. The season before Nash came to Phoenix, the Suns were 29-53. A season later, they finished 62-20, a league best. This year, they are 2nd in wins. Besides that, remember Joe Johnson? They traded him to Atlanta for Boris Diaw in 2005. Guess who had the career year and Most Improved Player award? Diaw.

While Kobe is there putting up 50+ point games every now and then, Nash is there putting up 20+ point, 12+ assist games every game. The difference? Nash's strategy gets everyone else involved, and wins them games. Why else do you think the Suns are second in the NBA, while the Lakers are struggling for the 8th seed?

Now, this by no means goes to say that Nash could take Kobe in a game of one-on-one. But that's not what the MVP is about. Without Kobe there, the Lakers can still win. Luke Walton and Lamar Odom are excellent, intelligent players. Everyone else just needs to score more. But take Nash out of the equation for the Suns, and they fall apart. Steve Nash is the Most Valuable Player in the NBA.
Nash easily
i think Dirk would be the MVP =P well i hope that steve nash would be the MVP but i think Dirk needs a chance =D
Nash should be MVP, but he won't win.

Kobe does not deserve the MVP and won't win, despite what you think.

Dirk is deserving of it and will win it.
You can immediately eliminate Kobe because his team is bottom seed in the playoffs and is just squeeking into the 7th or 8th spot. It is after all a team sport not an individual one. I 100% guarntee that Kobe will not win MVP like him or not. There is no way that LA will get past round 1 of the playoffs. They are likely matched up against Phoenix and they will crush them in 4 (max 5 games). If you can't get past round 1 you aint the MVP...period.

That leaves Dirk and Steve.



1. Steve has had another monster year

2. They recently beat the Mavs twice


1. Steve has won twice already and is less likely to be given a 3rd go.

2. The Suns are 2nd seed to the Mavs in the West.

3. Steve had a recent injury and was out for several games with Shoulder problems.

4. The Suns have struggled a bit lately. They lost to Houston and barely beat LA.



1. Awesome season

2. Top Seed Team and highest winning record in the NBA of all teams.


1. Lost to the Suns twice recently.


I love Steve Nash (he is my favorite player), but this year you have to give it to Dirk. I'd say watch for the Suns to reach the 3rd round and the Mavs to go to the finals.
Pretend this was Nash's first year with the Suns, he would win can't count on the fact that he's won previous two...he is the most valuable saw that when he went out, they became a lottery team.

Without Dirk, the Mavs would still make the playoffs, and Dirk hasn't proven to handle pressure situations properly (choked last year in finals, and choked against Phoenix)

Kobe, he is the best player in the NBA, but he isn't the most valuable...if he was, he would have the Lakers around the 4th-5th seed...not almost out of the playoff race.

So I go with Nash, the guy who changes a lottery team to a championship that's an impact

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